Update schedule set to download only-paloaltonetworks-panos

Update schedule set to download only-paloaltonetworks-panos

Vendor: paloaltonetworks

OS: panos

Indeni will alert if the update schedule for application packages is set to download only.

Remediation Steps:
In the update schedule, select Download and Install.

Why is this important?
It is important to track the content (app/threat) version update action in the schedule. Following best practices this should be set to download and install based on a schedule. The rule will alert if not following best practices.

Without Indeni how would you find this?
An administrator would have to manually check the version update and whether or not it is set to install automatically.


Failed to fetch the data: https://bitbucket.org/indeni/indeni-knowledge/src/master/parsers/src/panw/panos/show-config-merged-m/show-config-merged-m.ind.yaml


Failed to fetch the data: https://bitbucket.org/indeni/indeni-knowledge/src/master/rules/templatebased/paloaltonetworks/panw_update_action_download_only.scala