Testsuite.sh -- a bash script to run tests for all .ind scripts in a directory

NOTE: this script assumes that command-runner.sh is in your path. Also, if you don't have a ~/tmp/ and you get test failures, the script will try to create ~/tmp/ and save the test output there.

I will try to get this into /indeni-knowledge/scripts/ asap, but I wanted to post it now in case it's helpful to anyone in the short term. There are obviously many more things this script could do -- I'm hoping that command-runner will soon subsume this and more functionality, so I'm trying not to spend too much time on this script.

# Without arguments, attempts to run tests for all .ind files in the current or sub-directories.
# You can alternatively pass a directory; the script searches for .ind files in that dir (and subs)
# and try to run the tests for them.
# Script tries to capture test output to a temp file and grep for errors. If there are errors,
# script will try to notify user and save the test output to ~/tmp/.
