OSPF neighbor(s) down-checkpoint-gaia,ipso

OSPF neighbor(s) down-checkpoint-gaia,ipso

Vendor: checkpoint

OS: gaia,ipso

Indeni will alert if one or more OSPF neighbors isn’t communicating well.

Remediation Steps:
Review the cause for the neighbors being down.

How does this work?
The status of OSPF neighbors is monitored using clish command “shwo ospf neighbors”.

Why is this important?
Due to the dynamic nature of OSPF, it should be closely monitored to verify that it is working correctly. Since routing is a vital part of any network, a failure or issues in dynamic routing can cause large disruptions.

Without Indeni how would you find this?
An administrator could login and manually run the command.


name: chkp-clish-show-ospf-neighbors
description: Run "show ospf neighbors" over clish
type: monitoring
monitoring_interval: 5 minutes
    vendor: checkpoint
    -   os.name: gaia
    -   os.name: ipso
        neq: 'true'
        why: |
            Due to the dynamic nature of OSPF, it should be closely monitored to verify that it is working correctly. Since routing is a vital part of any network, a failure or issues in dynamic routing can cause large disruptions.
        how: |
            The status of OSPF neighbors is monitored using clish command "show ospf neighbors".
        can-with-snmp: false
        can-with-syslog: false
-   run:
        type: SSH
        command: stty rows 80 ; ${nice-path} -n 15 clish -c "show ospf neighbors"
        type: AWK
        file: show-ospf-neighbors.parser.1.awk


Failed to fetch the data: https://bitbucket.org/indeni/indeni-knowledge/src/master/rules/templatebased/crossvendor/CrossVendorOspfNeighborIsDownRule.scala