NTP servers used do not match across cluster members-juniper-junos

NTP servers used do not match across cluster members-juniper-junos

Vendor: juniper

OS: junos

Indeni will identify when two devices are part of a cluster and alert if the NTP servers they are using are different.

Remediation Steps:
Review the NTP configuration on each device to ensure they match.


name: junos-show-ntp-associations
description: JUNOS show NTP status
type: monitoring
monitoring_interval: 10 minute
    vendor: juniper
    os.name: junos
    product: firewall
        why: |
            This metric shows if at least a NTP server is configured. NTP servers are used to sync the time across all hosts and network devices.
            This is critical for things such as event correlation and logging. Use Network Time Protocol (NTP) to set the date and time if possible.
            However, it is important to ensure the NTP UDP port is allowed through the firewalls on your network.
        how: |
            This script logs into the Juniper JUNOS-based device using SSH and retrieves the output of the "show ntp associations" command.
            Reference: http://nlug.ml1.co.uk/2012/01/ntpq-p-output/831
        can-with-snmp: false
        can-with-syslog: false
        why: |
            Even though NTP servers are configured, that does not guarantee that they work. It is important to track the actual state of the NTP server.
            Properly sync'd NTP servers are critical for things such as event correlation and logging. In addition, clock drift can lead to authentication failures and connectivity issues.
        how: |
            This script logs into the Juniper JUNOS-based device using SSH and retrieves the output of the "show ntp associations" command.
            Reference: http://nlug.ml1.co.uk/2012/01/ntpq-p-output/831
        can-with-snmp: false
        can-with-syslog: false
    -   run:
            type: SSH
            file: show-ntp-associations.remote.1.bash
            type: AWK
            file: show-ntp-associations.parser.1.awk


Failed to fetch the data: https://bitbucket.org/indeni/indeni-knowledge/src/master/rules/templatebased/crossvendor/cross_vendor_ntp_servers_comparison.scala