Multi step question

In the examples as well as many scripts, the multistep is usually a 2 step one. I tried to extend this to 3 steps, and I get the message that the variable is not available. Has anyone tried this?

Step 1:

url: /api?type=op&cmd=<show><interface>all</interface></show>&key=${credentials.api-key}

Step 2:

url: /api?type=op&cmd=<show><interface>${nic}</interface></show>&key=${credentials.api-key}

Step 3:

url: /api?type=op&cmd=<show><counter><rate>${nic}</rate></counter></show>&key=${credentials.api-key}

Error message:

Description = Failed to compile AWK code of command 'panos-show-interface'. Code:


print dynamic("nic")



Message = Variable dynamic("nic") is not available,

If I take away the Step 2 and run the ind script it works fine.



we could use your help please...

Could you share the entire script?