I have just started to play with the trial version of the indeni VM.
Added the SSH credentials used on cisco IOSv devices, but interrogation failed.
An error occurred Interrogation failed - Indeni attempted to determine the device type but failed. We could not determine the operating system"s details. Indeni supports the following device operating systems: alteon-os, gaia, gaia-embedded, ios, ipso, junos, nxos, panos, secureplatform, sgos Please verify this device is supported and configured according to https://indeni.com/documentation/platform-overview/user-guide/part-2-getting-started/adding-devices/. Often times the issue is the result of incorrect permissions or priviliges given to the user Indeni is connecting with. Detailed debug information to follow: Details: https-interrogation: Header = Execution Error, Description = Failed executing command: https-interrogation, request:, Message = Received fatal alert: bad_record_mac, junos-show-version-interrogation: Header = Parse Error, Description = Command [] junos-show-version-interrogation parser failed with input: ^ % Invalid input detected at "^" marker. , Message = Header = Execution Error, Description = Failed to parse XML, Message = Content is not allowed in prolog., ,
The device is reachable from indeni and can be accessed from https as well as ssh.
The provided link didn't help:
What protocol indeni uses to interrogate devices? SSH? https? Should the devices be configured for snmp?