Low Identity Awareness User Count-cisco-ios

Low Identity Awareness User Count-cisco-ios

Vendor: cisco

OS: ios

Indeni can identify if the current Identity Awareness User Count is below acceptable levels during active hours.

Remediation Steps:
Please review the following article to determine the root cause behind the low count: http://downloads.checkpoint.com/dc/download.htm?ID=12625. Otherwise, contact your Check Point technical support provider. If the threshold is too sensitive, please request for the Indeni threshold to be modified as necessary.

How does this work?
This script logs into the Cisco IOS device using SSH and retrieves the configured time zone using the output of the “show clock” command. The output includes the current time and configured time zone, i.e. EST for Eastern Standard Time. If the time zone is mismatched across vPC domain (cluster) members an alert will be triggered.

Why is this important?
Capture the time zone setting of the device. Time zone denotes offset from Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).

Without Indeni how would you find this?
It is possible to poll this data through SNMP although there is no way to correlate across vPC domain (cluster) members without additional logic. can-with-snmp: false can-with-syslog: false


name: ios-show-clock
description: IOS show clock
type: monitoring
monitoring_interval: 5 minutes
    vendor: cisco
    os.name: ios
        why: |
            Capture the current date and time of the device. Device current date and time should never be more than 24 hours
            away from date and time of the device polling the data, otherwise date and time are not correctly set on device.
        how: |
            This script logs into the Cisco IOS device using SSH and retrieves the current time using the output of the
            "show clock" command. The output includes the device's current date and time as well as configured time zone.
        can-with-snmp: true
        can-with-syslog: false
        why: |
            Capture the time zone setting of the device. Time zone denotes offset from Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).
        how: |
            This script logs into the Cisco IOS device using SSH and retrieves the configured time zone using the output
            of the "show clock" command. The output includes the current time and configured time zone, i.e. EST for
            Eastern Standard Time. If the time zone is mismatched across vPC domain (cluster) members an alert will be
        can-with-snmp: false
        can-with-syslog: false
-   run:
        type: SSH
        command: show clock
        type: AWK
        file: show_clock.parser.1.awk


package com.indeni.server.rules.library.core
import com.indeni.apidata.time.TimeSpan.TimePeriod
import com.indeni.ruleengine.expressions.OptionalExpression
import com.indeni.ruleengine.expressions.casting.date.{DayRangeParseExpression, StartOfTheDayExpression}
import com.indeni.ruleengine.expressions.conditions.{And, GreaterThanOrEqual, LesserThanOrEqual}
import com.indeni.ruleengine.expressions.core.{EMPTY_STRING, StatusTreeExpression}
import com.indeni.ruleengine.expressions.data._
import com.indeni.ruleengine.expressions.math.PlusExpression
import com.indeni.server.common.data.conditions.True
import com.indeni.server.params.ParameterDefinition
import com.indeni.server.params.ParameterDefinition.UIType
import com.indeni.server.rules.config.expressions.DynamicParameterExpression
import com.indeni.server.rules.library.{ConditionalRemediationSteps, PerDeviceRule, RuleHelper}
import com.indeni.server.rules.{DeviceKey, RuleContext, RuleMetadata, _}
import com.indeni.server.sensor.models.managementprocess.alerts.dto.AlertSeverity

case class NumberOfIdentityAwarenessUsersTooLowRule() extends PerDeviceRule with RuleHelper {

  private[library] val LowThresholdParameterName = "identity_awareness_users_minimum"
  private val lowThresholdParameter = new ParameterDefinition(
    "Minimum Amount of users Threshold",
    "How many minimum users are logged in",

  private val dayRangesParameterName = "day_ranges_whitelist"
  private val dayRangesParameter = new ParameterDefinition(
    "Day Ranges (Whitelist)",
    "Enter the list of dayRanges that should be checked, each one on its own line according to the following format:\n" +
      "\"DAY,HH:MM,HH:MM\".\n" +
      "Indeni will alert if the numbers of users is equal or lower than the threshold only during those times.",

  override val metadata: RuleMetadata = RuleMetadata
      "Low Identity Awareness User Count",
      "Indeni can identify if the current Identity Awareness User Count is below acceptable levels during active hours.",
      categories= Set(RuleCategory.VendorBestPractices),
      deviceCategory = DeviceCategory.CheckPointDevices
    .configParameters(lowThresholdParameter, dayRangesParameter)

  override def expressionTree(context: RuleContext): StatusTreeExpression = {
    val actualValue = TimeSeriesExpression[Double]("identity-awareness-users-actual").last
    val date = TimeSeriesExpression[Double]("current-datetime").last.toTimeSpan(TimePeriod.MILLISECOND)
    val threshold: OptionalExpression[Double] = getParameterDouble(lowThresholdParameter)
    val dayRanges = DynamicParameterExpression.withConstantDefault(dayRangesParameterName, Seq[String]())
    val timezone =
      SingleSnapshotExtractExpression(SnapshotExpression("timezone").asSingle().mostRecent().value(), "value")

      SelectTagsExpression(context.metaDao, Set(DeviceKey), True),
                                           Set("identity-awareness-users-actual", "current-datetime"),
                                           denseOnly = false),
            SelectSnapshotsExpression(context.snapshotsDao, Set("timezone")).single(),
                  StartOfTheDayExpression(date, timezone),
                  DayRangeParseExpression(date, timezone, dayRanges, upper = false),
                  DayRangeParseExpression(date, timezone, dayRanges, upper = true),
                  StartOfTheDayExpression(date, timezone)
            scopableStringFormatExpression("Actual value: %.0f, Threshold: %.0f", actualValue, threshold),
            "User Count",
          LesserThanOrEqual(actualValue, threshold)
            scopableStringFormatExpression("The current Identity Awareness User Count is below acceptable levels during active hours. Generally, this indicates that the gateway's ability to communicate with the Active Directory is down and should be investigated."),
            "Please review the following article to determine the root cause behind the low count: http://downloads.checkpoint.com/dc/download.htm?ID=12625. Otherwise, contact your Check Point technical support provider. If the threshold is too sensitive, please request for the Indeni threshold to be modified as necessary.")
