Hardware element down-fortinet-FortiOS
Vendor: fortinet
OS: FortiOS
Alert if any hardware elements are not operating correctly.
Remediation Steps:
Troubleshoot the hardware element as soon as possible.
|1. Login via ssh to the Fortinet firewall and run the FortiOS command "exec sensor list" to review the status of the hardware components and temperature
|>>> thresholds. When the flag to the command output is set to 0, the component is working correctly and when flag is set to 1, the component has a problem.
|>>> The FortiOS command "execute sensor detail" will show extra information such as the low/high thresholds. More details can be found here:
|>>> http://kb.fortinet.com/kb/viewContent.do?externalId=FD36793&sliceId=1
|2. Consider running the fotrinet hardware diagnostics commands. While they do not detect all hardware malfunctions, tests for the most common hardware
|>>> problems are performed. More details can be found here:
|- http://kb.fortinet.com/kb/viewContent.do?externalId=FD39581&sliceId=1
|- http://kb.fortinet.com/kb/documentLink.do?externalID=FD34745
|3. It is recommended that any failed fan or power supply unit should be replaced immediately.
|4. The cooling system for the devices should be installed to avoid overheat.
|5. If the problem persists, contact Fortinet Technical support at https://support.fortinet.com/ for further assistance.
How does this work?
This script logs in to the Fortinet Firewall and retrieves the output of the “exec sensor list” command. The output includes a table with info about the temperature, fan and power supply status.
Why is this important?
It checks the sensors and readings of every hardware component (i.e. Temperature, Power Supply Status and Fan Status). In particular, it gets the alarm status from the “exec sensor list” command output (when flag is set to 0, the component is working correctly and when flag is set to 1, the component is not working properly). Only the fortinet firewall models with temperature sensors will provide this information. More details can be found to at: http://kb.fortinet.com/kb/viewContent.do?externalId=FD36793&sliceId=1
Without Indeni how would you find this?
An administrator would need to manually log into the device and run the FortiOS command “exec sensor list” and review pertinent information.
name: fortios-exec-sensor-list
description: Fortinet Firewall retrieves tempetature sensors list
type: monitoring
monitoring_interval: 20 minutes
vendor: fortinet
os.name: FortiOS
product: firewall
why: |
It checks the sensors and readings of every hardware component (i.e. Temperature, Power Supply Status and Fan
Status). In particular, it gets the alarm status from the "exec sensor list" command output (when flag is set
to 0, the component is working correctly and when flag is set to 1, the component is not working properly). Only
the fortinet firewall models with temperature sensors will provide this information. More details can be found
to at: http://kb.fortinet.com/kb/viewContent.do?externalId=FD36793&sliceId=1
how: |
This script logs in to the Fortinet Firewall and retrieves the output of the "exec sensor list" command. The
output includes a table with info about the temperature, fan and power supply status.
can-with-snmp: true
can-with-syslog: false
- run:
type: SSH
command: exec sensor list
type: AWK
file: exec_sensor_list.parser.1.awk
Failed to fetch the data: https://bitbucket.org/indeni/indeni-knowledge/src/master/rules/templatebased/crossvendor/cross_vendor_hardware_element_status.scala