Drastic drop in concurrent connections-bluecoat-sgos

Drastic drop in concurrent connections-bluecoat-sgos

Vendor: bluecoat

OS: sgos

Alert when a drop was detected in the number of concurrent connections.

Remediation Steps:
Review why this may be happening.


name: bluecoat-show-http-stats
description: Fetch http stats
type: monitoring
monitoring_interval: 5 minute
    vendor: bluecoat
    os.name: sgos
        why: |
            It is important to monitor the current client connections and make sure the value is below the maximum for the appliance.
        how: |
            Bluecoat Proxy through SSH and retrieves the output of the "show http-stats" command. The output includes client connections information and statistics.
        can-with-snmp: false
        can-with-syslog: false
        why: |
            It is important to make sure that the number of current connected clients is lower than the maximum allowed concurrent clients, otherwise, connections might drop.
        how: |
            Bluecoat Proxy through SSH and retrieves the output of the "show http-stats" command. The output includes client connections information and statistics.
        can-with-snmp: false
        can-with-syslog: false
-   run:
        type: SSH
        command: show http-stats
        type: AWK
        file: show-http-stats.parser.1.awk


package com.indeni.server.rules.library

  * Rule is cancelled at the moment since we rewrote Change detection algorithm
  * Rule should be re written with the new algorithm

import com.indeni.apidata.data.conditions.True
import com.indeni.ruleengine._
import com.indeni.ruleengine.expressions.conditions.ResultsFound
import com.indeni.ruleengine.expressions.core.{StatusTreeExpression, _}
import com.indeni.ruleengine.expressions.data.{SelectTagsExpression, SelectTimeSeriesExpression, TimeSeriesExpression}
import com.indeni.ruleengine.expressions.scope.ScopableExpression
import com.indeni.ruleengine.expressions.Expression
import com.indeni.ruleengine.expressions.tools.changePointAnalysis.DropDetectionExpression
import com.indeni.server.params._
import com.indeni.server.rules._
import com.indeni.server.rules.library.ConcurrentConnectionsDrasticChangeDownRule._
import com.indeni.server.rules.library.core.PerDeviceRule
import com.indeni.server.sensor.models.managementprocess.alerts.dto.AlertSeverity
import com.indeni.apidata.time.TimeSpan
  * Rule is cancelled at the moment since we rewrote Change detection algorithm
  * Rule should be re written with the new algorithm

case class ConcurrentConnectionsDrasticChangeDownRule() extends PerDeviceRule with RuleHelper {

  private val reviewedTimeframeParameter = new ParameterDefinition(REVIEWED_TIMEFRAME_PARAMETER_NAME,
    "Reviewed Timeframe",
    "The window of time we review to detect changes.",

  override val metadata: RuleMetadata = RuleMetadata.builder(NAME, "All Devices: Drastic drop in concurrent connections", "Alert when a drop was detected in the number of concurrent connections.", AlertSeverity.ERROR).configParameter(reviewedTimeframeParameter).build()

  override def expressionTree: StatusTreeExpression = {
    val numOfConnectionsTimeSeries = TimeSeriesExpression[Double]("concurrent-connections")
    val actualValue = numOfConnectionsTimeSeries.last
    val lastChange = DropDetectionExpression(numOfConnectionsTimeSeries).withLazy

      // Which objects to pull (normally, devices)
      SelectTagsExpression(context.metaDao, Set(DeviceKey), True),

          // The time-series we check the test condition against:
          SelectTimeSeriesExpression[Double](context.tsDao, Set("concurrent-connections"), historyLength = getParameterTimeSpanForRule(reviewedTimeframeParameter)),

          // The condition which, if true, we have an issue. Checked against the time-series we've collected

          // The Alert Item to add for this specific item
            scopableStringFormatExpression("A drop has been detected in the number of concurrent connections. %s.", new ScopableExpression[Any] {

              override protected def evalWithScope(time: Long, scope: Scope): String = s"Changed from ${lastChange.eval(time).head.before} to ${lastChange.eval(time).head.after}"
              override def args: Set[Expression[_]] = Set(lastChange)
            ConstantExpression("Review why this may be happening.")

object ConcurrentConnectionsDrasticChangeDownRule {

  /* --- Constants --- */

  private[library] val NAME = "concurrent_connections_drastic_change_down"

  private[library] val REVIEWED_TIMEFRAME_PARAMETER_NAME: String = "reviewed_timeframe"