Creating tabs/categories to the "More info - liveconfig" tab

Working on the fortinet new live config tab, I need to create specific tabs per metric category to the live-config (More info per device tab).

Currently most of the metrics are displayed to the Overview tab.

How is possibe to define categories and set specific metrics under a specific category? This would be very helpful for the users.

Check a current sample capture below:

Image title

Hi Vasileios,

To create a new categorie you'll need to create your metrics with hierarchical type.
See these 2 metrics for example:
This metric will be mapped in the UI to a category named "Memory - Free"
with 2 nested values: "name-RAM" and "name-swap"
"type": "hierarchical",
"name": "Memory - Free",
"sub-values": [
"type": "simple",
"name": "name-RAM",
"value": "Value: 193300.0 kbytes"


"type": "simple",
"name": "name-swap",
"value": "Value: 224344.0 kbytes"

while this will be mapped into the overview category with the name Uptime


"type": "simple",

"name": "Uptime",
"value": "Value: 201 days 03:53:33"

hope this helps,