Compression profile gzip level too high-f5-all

Compression profile gzip level too high-f5-all

Vendor: f5

OS: all

Setting a higher compression level makes compressed content smaller, but the cost of higher CPU usage and longer time to compress the content. The difference in terms of percentage gets lower the higher the level and setting this too high is not recommended. indeni will alert if the gzip compression level is too high.

Remediation Steps:
Set the compression level to a value RuleEquals, or below 6 for the reported profiles\n

How does this work?
This alert uses the iControl REST interface to extract compression levels set for each of the configured HTTP Compression Profiles.

Why is this important?
Setting a higher compression level makes compressed content smaller, but the cost of higher CPU usage and longer time to compress the content. The difference in terms of percentage gets lower the higher the level and setting this too high is not recommended. This metric would alert for any levels above 6.

Without Indeni how would you find this?
Login to the device’s web interface and click on “Local Traffic” -> “Profiles” -> “HTTP Compression”. This would show a list of the available compression profiles. For each profile in the list, check the option “gzip Compression Level”. In case the configuration is divided in multiple partitions changing to the “All [Read-only]” partition is recommended.


name: f5-rest-mgmt-tm-ltm-profile-http-compression
description: Determine compression level of compression profiles
type: monitoring
monitoring_interval: 60 minutes
    vendor: f5
    product: load-balancer
    rest-api: 'true'
        why: |
            Setting a higher compression level makes compressed content smaller, but the cost of higher CPU usage and longer time to compress the content. The difference in terms of percentage gets lower the higher the level and setting this too high is not recommended. This metric would alert for any levels above 6.
        how: |
            This alert uses the iControl REST interface to extract compression levels set for each of the configured HTTP Compression Profiles.
        can-with-snmp: true
        can-with-syslog: false
-   run:
        type: HTTP
        command: /mgmt/tm/ltm/profile/http-compression?$select=fullPath,gzipLevel,contentTypeInclude
        type: JSON
        file: rest-mgmt-tm-ltm-profile-http-compression.parser.1.json.yaml


Failed to fetch the data: