Compile Error when trying to setup rule developer environement

Hi guys,

I am trying to follow this guide to setup my rule dev environment:
However, maybe the steps are outdated? I cannot find the jar files under /usr/share/indeni/lib/webapps/indeni4it.war. Instead I found /usr/share/indeni/lib/indeni-server.jar.
The indeni server version is “” which I believe is the latest. The code branch is up-to-date with “staging”

I tried to include the “indeni-server.jar” as external library in the project. However, there are still complier errors. I am wondering if there is updated doc on how to setup the developer environment.

Any help is appreciated. Thanks!

@alon @matanc can someone help Josh?

Hi Josh!

A bit late, but i’ve updated the same page with some text. You are right to use the indeni-server.jar instead. Not sure what your errors are about though