Cluster has preemption enabled-paloaltonetworks-panos

Cluster has preemption enabled-paloaltonetworks-panos

Vendor: paloaltonetworks

OS: panos

Preemption is generally a bad idea in clustering, although sometimes it is the default setting. indeni will trigger an issue if it’s on.

Remediation Steps:
It is generally best to have preemption disabled. Instead, once this device returns from a crash, you can conduct the failover manually.
|||Palo Alto Networks firewalls have a special way of handling preemption loops, review the following article:
|Understanding Preemption with the Configured Device Priority in HA Active/Passive Mode.

How does this work?
This script uses the Palo Alto Networks API to retrieve the status of the high availability function of this cluster member and specifically the preemption setting.

Why is this important?
Preemption is a function in clustering which sets a primary member of the cluster to always strive to be the active member. The trouble with this is that if the active member that is set with preemption on has a critical failure and reboots, the cluster will fail over to the secondary and then immediately fail over back to the primary when it completes the reboot. This can result in another crash and the process would happen again and again in a loop. The Palo Alto Networks firewalls have a means of dealing with this ( ) but it is generally a good idea not to have the preemption feature enabled.

Without Indeni how would you find this?
Going into a preemption loop is difficult to detect. Normally an administrator will notice service disruption. Then through manual inspection the administrator will determine there is a preemption loop.


name: panos-show-high-availability-all-monitoring-panorama
description: Track health of HA
type: monitoring
monitoring_interval: 5 minute
    vendor: paloaltonetworks panos
    high-availability: 'true'
    product: panorama
        why: |
            Tracking the state of a cluster member is important. If a cluster member which used to be the active member of the cluster no longer is, it may be the result of an issue. In some cases, it is due to maintenance work (and so was anticipated), but in others it may be due to a failure in the firewall or another component in the network.
        how: |
            This script uses the Palo Alto Networks API to retrieve the status of the high availability function of the firewall and specifically retrieves the local member's state.
        can-with-snmp: true
        can-with-syslog: true
        why: |
            Tracking the state of a cluster is important. If a cluster which used to be healthy no longer is, it may be the result of an issue. In some cases, it is due to maintenance work (and so was anticipated), but in others it may be due to a failure in the members of the cluster or another component in the network.
        how: |
            This script uses the Palo Alto Networks API to retrieve the status of the high availability function of the cluster and specifically retrieves the local member's and peer's states.
        can-with-snmp: true
        can-with-syslog: true
        why: |
            Preemption is a function in clustering which sets a primary member of the cluster to always strive to be the active member. The trouble with this is that if the active member that is set with preemption on has a critical failure and reboots, the cluster will fail over to the secondary and then immediately fail over back to the primary when it completes the reboot. This can result in another crash and the process would happen again and again in a loop. The Palo Alto Networks firewalls have a means of dealing with this ( ) but it is generally a good idea not to have the preemption feature enabled.
        how: |
            This script uses the Palo Alto Networks API to retrieve the status of the high availability function of this cluster member and specifically the preemption setting.
        can-with-snmp: true
        can-with-syslog: true
        why: |
            Normally two Palo Alto Networks firewalls in a cluster work together to ensure their configurations are synchronized. Sometimes, due to connectivity or other issues, the configuration sync may be lost. In the event of a fail over, the secondary member will take over but will be running with a different configuration compared to the primary (the original active member). This can result in service disruption.
        how: |
            This script uses the Palo Alto Networks API to retrieve the status of the high availability function of this cluster and specifically the status of the config synchronization.
        can-with-snmp: true
        can-with-syslog: true
        why: |
            This metric describe whether this device is a passive device. For passive device, port down alert should not be triggered.
        how: |
            This script uses the Palo Alto Networks API to retrieve the active/passive state of the device.
        can-with-snmp: true
        can-with-syslog: true
-   run:
        type: HTTP
        command: /api?type=op&cmd=<show><high-availability><all></all></high-availability></show>&key=${api-key}
        type: XML
        file: show-high-availability-all-monitoring-panorama.parser.1.xml.yaml


package com.indeni.server.rules.library.core
import com.indeni.apidata.time.TimeSpan
import com.indeni.ruleengine.expressions.conditions.Equals
import com.indeni.ruleengine.expressions.core.{ConstantExpression, StatusTreeExpression}
import{SelectTagsExpression, SelectTimeSeriesExpression, TimeSeriesExpression}
import com.indeni.server.rules.library.{ConditionalRemediationSteps, PerDeviceRule, RuleHelper}
import com.indeni.server.rules.{DeviceCategory, DeviceKey, RemediationStepCondition, RuleCategory, RuleContext, RuleMetadata}
import com.indeni.server.sensor.models.managementprocess.alerts.dto.AlertSeverity

case class ClusterPreemptionEnabledRule() extends PerDeviceRule with RuleHelper {

  override val metadata: RuleMetadata = RuleMetadata.builder("cross_vendor_cluster_preempt", "Cluster has preemption enabled",
    "Preemption is generally a bad idea in clustering, although sometimes it is the default setting. indeni will trigger an issue if it's on.",
    AlertSeverity.WARN, categories = Set(RuleCategory.HighAvailability), deviceCategory = DeviceCategory.ClusteredDevices).interval(TimeSpan.fromMinutes(5)).build()

  override def expressionTree(context: RuleContext): StatusTreeExpression = {
    val inUseValue = TimeSeriesExpression[Double]("cluster-preemption-enabled").last

      // Which objects to pull (normally, devices)
      SelectTagsExpression(context.metaDao, Set(DeviceKey), True),

        // The time-series we check the test condition against:
        SelectTimeSeriesExpression[Double](context.tsDao, Set("cluster-preemption-enabled"), denseOnly = false),

        // The condition which, if true, we have an issue. Checked against the time-series we've collected

      // Details of the alert itself
      ConstantExpression("This cluster member has preemption enabled. This means that it will have priority over other cluster members. If this device reboots or crashes, it'll try to assume priority in the cluster when it finishes its boot process. This may result in it crashing again, and causing a preemption loop."),
      ConditionalRemediationSteps("It is generally best to have preemption disabled. Instead, once this device returns from a crash, you can conduct the failover manually.",
        RemediationStepCondition.VENDOR_PANOS ->
          """|Palo Alto Networks firewalls have a special way of handling preemption loops, review the following article:
             |<a target="_blank" href="">Understanding Preemption with the Configured Device Priority in HA Active/Passive Mode</a>.""".stripMargin,
        RemediationStepCondition.VENDOR_CISCO ->
          """|FHRP preemption and delays features are not required. The vPC will forward traffic as soon as the links become available. Once a device recovers from a crash or reboot, you can conduct the failover manually.
             |Cisco recommends:
             |1. Configuring the FHRP with the default settings and without preempt when using vPC.
             |2. Make the vPC primary switch the FHRP active switch. This is not intended to improve performance or stability. It does make one switch responsible for the control plane traffic. This is a little easier on the administrator while troubleshooting.""".stripMargin,
        RemediationStepCondition.VENDOR_JUNIPER ->
          """1. Generally, it is recommended to have preemption disabled. Instead, once this device returns from a crash, you can conduct the failover manually.
            |2. If preemption is added to a redundancy group configuration, the device with the high priority in the group can initiate a failover to become a master.
            |3. On the device command line interface execute "request chassis cluster failover node"  or  "request chassis cluster failover redundancy-group"  commands to override the priority setting and preemption.
            |4. Review the following article on Juniper TechLibrary for more information: <a target="_blank" href="">Operational Commands: request chassis cluster failover node</a>""".stripMargin