I'm running command-runner against a device. The command is very basic and does not have any requirements. However, when the interrogations scripts run, CPU and memory on the device spike. I'm trying to assess the impact of performance from this single script excluding the impact from the interrogation script. Is there a way to bypass interrogation when you are testing an .ind against a device?
The real life indeni server is going to behave differently from Command-runner. Interrogation script is designed to run just once. As soon as the server successfully interrogates the device, the interrogation script will stop as long as the server maintains connectivity with the device. So you should be able to measure the CPU and memory of your monitoring script.
CommandRunner is designed for unit testing. I suspect it always first interrogates the device first, hence you can't separate it. I'm guessing.
Actually, this is a great idea! It will be great to test monitoring script performance as part of developing and have of clear rules what we will allow. Unfortunately, as Ulrica said, currently, we can't separate interrogation from monitoring when testing against the device.