Ask a Mentor

Growing your career is not a straightforward path. Take the time to reach out to an accomplished mentor to get industry-specific career advice.

I love the steps from this post. Especially the potential roles to consider:


What type of a job is available for a Master of Science degree in Cybersecurity with concentration Risk Management, Governance and Compliance?

Great question, Akshay! @Yoni_Leitersdorf, what do you think?

Thank you, i’m all ears :slight_smile:

Hello @Akshay_Desai! I saw your post, and while @Yoni_Leitersdorf will certainly have great insight around this, thought I would chime in on your ask as well.

  1. There are many jobs reqs looking for people that are studying in Cyber Security with your specific concentrations. Here’s just one example that fit specifically in your areas of study. Also, companies such as Bloomberg are looking for individuals such as yourself! So you have many options to choose from.

  2. Given there’s so many job opportunities to choose from, I would take a step back and ask myself, ‘What truly motivates me, what are my passions and how can I foster them in the workforce?’ I suppose the question really is, ‘What is my vocation, or calling?’

The reason I bring this is up is that there are other options besides corporate work to choose from, given your chosen area of study. Having been based in the San Francisco Bay area since graduating college, I had friends that chose to use their skills helping to inform tech policy, or working with non-profits and independent media to advocate/protect what they believe in, which opened my mind to other job possibilities.

I realize that this is a global community and my links/experience my not be translatable everywhere, but rather hope to help expand and self-examine the question, so you can pursue not just a job, but find a vocation you are passionate about; especially given the many options that will be open to you once you finish your studies. I hope this helps, and good luck to you!


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As mentioned in the link : , I have filled my Dream Title guide but I am not able to upload .pdf file of the guide on this forum.
Could you please suggest how to solve this issue ?

As mentioned in the link : , I have filled my Dream Title guide but I am not able to upload .pdf file of the guide on this forum.
Could you please suggest how to solve this issue ?

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Hi @christine_zhao, we are working on troubleshooting the pdf upload issue. In any rate, I did get it via email and responded to you in how to redeem your $50 through the email.

Amazing work, thanks for filling it out! We hope it will help you launch into your dream job.

I have had a couple mentors recommend that I pursue a Ph.D in IT. I am considering it. I also completed my Dream Job form as well. :slight_smile:

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@Paul_Overton @Ulrica_de_Fort-Menar @Yoni_Leitersdorf What do you guys think about a PhD in IT?

@pcarter - I got the dream job form! So awesome, Paul! I will respond to you via email with the next steps for you to redeem your $50 gift card.

Sounds interesting. Any specific research you are thinking of @pcarter?

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Yoni, pardon the delay. Information Technology Management or Cybersecurity.

Interesting! If we can help you with data for the research, let us know.