A pull request has been issued to add some more aliases in the scripts folder, but figured I'd share this one here for now since I find it very useful.
About getlivemetrics
getlivemetrics <metric name> <partial device name> [time frame in minutes]
metric name: Exact name of the metric you want data for
partial device name: A string that your device name contains. Even if the string matches multiple devices only one will be used.
time frame in minutes: The number of minutes you want data for. Can be any number between 1-59. Defaults to 59 minutes.
Get the lb-snatpool-limit from a device containing F5:
getlivemetrics lb-snatpool-limit F5
Get the values for config-unsaved from the last 30 minutes from a device containing CP01:
getlivemetrics lb-snatpool-limit CP01 30
The alias itself: