Active-active configuration

We have a need to upgrade our clusters and thinking to go with active active. Do you have any experience with this?

Generally I would not really recommend using active-active unless it’s one of those n+1 situations.
Reason being that an active-active configuration could leave you in a bad situation if one of the two fails during peak hours. If that happens you have no guarantee that one of the systems can handle the full load.

Even during an n+1 scenario where you have ie. 3 devices in a device group I’d probably avoid it if I could because of the added complexity.


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I totally agree with this. Even if you are running active-active, you still need to plan for the scenario where a device dies, the only device available has to be able to handle all the load, so at the end, no difference to having an active-standby configuration from sizing point of view. Also active-active deployments are harder to troubleshoot.

Best regards,