Total map count exceeding threshold-gigamon-GigaVUE-OS

Total map count exceeding threshold-gigamon-GigaVUE-OS

Vendor: gigamon


Indeni will alert if the devices total map count is exceeding the threshold

Remediation Steps:
Login to the device’s CLI, change to enable mode and issue “show map brief”. This will present an abbreviated table with map information.

How does this work?
Using the “show map brief” command and parsing for the number that follows “Total Map Count:”.

Why is this important?
Each node and cluster has a finite number of maps. Each map has rules, which are also limited in number. While the numbers can be large (16K rules with an HC2 CCv2, 4K rules with HC2 CCv1), the system can run out of resources and it’s always good to know if the system is nearing capacity. This is more of a monitoring and alerting function rather than mitigation/fixing.

Without Indeni how would you find this?
Login to the device’s CLI, change to enable mode and issue “show map brief”. This would present an abbreviated table with map information.


name: gigamon-show-map-brief
description: Fetch total map count
type: monitoring
monitoring_interval: 5 minutes
    vendor: gigamon GigaVUE-OS
    privileged-mode: 'true'
        why: |
            Each node and cluster has a finite number of maps. Each map has rules, which are also limited in number. While the numbers can be large (16K rules with an HC2 CCv2, 4K rules with HC2 CCv1), the system can run out of resources and it's always good to know if the system is nearing capacity. This is more of a monitoring and alerting function rather than mitigation/fixing.
        how: |
            Using the "show map brief" command and parsing for the number that follows "Total Map Count:".
        can-with-snmp: true
        can-with-syslog: false
-   run:
        type: SSH
        command: show map brief
        type: AWK
        file: gigamon-show-map-brief.parser.1.awk


Failed to fetch the data: