License expired-cisco-nxos

License expired-cisco-nxos

Vendor: cisco

OS: nxos

indeni will trigger an issue when a license has expired. Licenses that have expired more that a set number of days will be ignored. The threshold for the number of days after licence expiration can be adjusted by the user.

Remediation Steps:
Renew any licenses that need to be renewed.
||1. Run the “show license usage” NX-OS command to display information about the current license usage and the license expiration date.
|2. Run the “show license” NX-OS command to view the installed licenses.
|3. Run the “show license usage ” NX-OS command e.g.” sh license usage ENHANCED_LAYER2_PKG” to display information about the activated features which utilize this license
|4. Consider activating the grace-period for the license.
|5. Order new license from CISCO.
|6. For more information please review: Cisco Guide

How does this work?
This script logs into the Cisco Nexus switch through SSH and retrieves license usage infromation using the “show license usage” command.

Why is this important?
Collect information about license usage and report any licenses which are in their Grace period. This would report any license which is in use but has not been purchased/activated on the device.

Without Indeni how would you find this?
Expiring licenses generate syslog messages close to and at the time of expiration. The user has to detect those log entries and take an emergency action to install the required licenses. Missing these events may result in an outage.


name: nexus-license-usage
description: Nexus license information
type: monitoring
monitoring_interval: 60 minutes
    vendor: cisco nxos
        why: |
            Collect information about the license usage and report installed licenses.
        how: |
            This script logs into the Cisco Nexus switch through SSH and retrieves license usage infromation using the "show license usage" command.
        can-with-snmp: false
        can-with-syslog: false
        why: |
            Collect information about license usage and report any licenses which are in their Grace period. This would report any license which is in use but has not been purchased/activated on the device.
        how: |
            This script logs into the Cisco Nexus switch through SSH and retrieves license usage infromation using the "show license usage" command.
        can-with-snmp: false
        can-with-syslog: true
-   run:
        type: SSH
        command: show license usage | xml
        type: XML
        file: show_license_usage.parser.1.xml.yaml


package com.indeni.server.rules.library.core
import com.indeni.apidata.time.TimeSpan
import com.indeni.apidata.time.TimeSpan.TimePeriod
import com.indeni.ruleengine.expressions.conditions.{And, GreaterThan, LesserThan}
import com.indeni.ruleengine.expressions.core.{StatusTreeExpression, _}
import com.indeni.ruleengine.expressions.math.PlusExpression
import com.indeni.ruleengine.expressions.utility.NowExpression
import com.indeni.server.params.ParameterDefinition
import com.indeni.server.params.ParameterDefinition.UIType
import com.indeni.server.rules._
import com.indeni.server.rules.library.{ConditionalRemediationSteps, PerDeviceRule, RuleHelper}
import com.indeni.server.sensor.models.managementprocess.alerts.dto.AlertSeverity

case class LicenseHasExpiredRule() extends PerDeviceRule with RuleHelper {

  private val highThresholdParameterName = "Effective_Duration_Threshold"
  private val highThresholdParameter = new ParameterDefinition(
    "Effective Duration Threshold",
    "How many days the license expiration issue should be effective",

  override val metadata: RuleMetadata = RuleMetadata
      "License expired",
      "indeni will trigger an issue when a license has expired. Licenses that have expired more that a set number of days will be ignored.  The threshold for the number of days after licence expiration can be adjusted by the user.",
      categories = Set(RuleCategory.OngoingMaintenance),
      deviceCategory = DeviceCategory.AllDevices

  override def expressionTree(context: RuleContext): StatusTreeExpression = {
    val actualValue = TimeSeriesExpression[Double]("license-expiration").last.toTimeSpan(TimePeriod.SECOND)

      // Which objects to pull (normally, devices)
      SelectTagsExpression(context.metaDao, Set(DeviceKey), True),
      // What constitutes an issue
        // The additional tags we care about (we'll be including this in alert data)
        SelectTagsExpression(context.tsDao, Set("name"), withTagsCondition("license-expiration")),
          // The time-series we check the test condition against:
          SelectTimeSeriesExpression[Double](context.tsDao, Set("license-expiration"), denseOnly = false),
          // The condition which, if true, we have an issue. Checked against the time-series we've collected
            LesserThan(actualValue, NowExpression()),
                        PlusExpression(actualValue, getParameterTimeSpanForTimeSeries(highThresholdParameter)))

          // The Alert Item to add for this specific item
            scopableStringFormatExpression("Expired on %s", timeSpanToDateExpression(actualValue)),
            title = "Affected Licenses"
      ConstantExpression("One or more licenses have expired. See the list below."),
        "Renew any licenses that need to be renewed.",
        RemediationStepCondition.VENDOR_CP -> "Make sure you have purchased the required licenses and have updated them in your management server:",
        RemediationStepCondition.VENDOR_PANOS -> "Review this page on licensing:",
        RemediationStepCondition.VENDOR_FORTINET ->
            |1. Login via ssh to the Fortinet firewall and execute the FortiOS “get system fortiguard-service status” and “diag autoupdate versions” commands to list current update package versions and license expiry status.
            |2. Login via https to the Fortinet firewall and go to the menu System > Dashboard > Status to locate the License Information widget. All subscribed services should have a green checkmark, indicating that connections are successful. A gray X indicates that the FortiGate unit cannot connect to the FortiGuard network, or that the FortiGate unit is not registered. A red X indicates that the FortiGate unit was able to connect but that a subscription has expired or has not been activated.
            |3. Login via https to the Fortinet firewall to view the FortiGuard connection status by going to System > Config > FortiGuard menu.
            |4. Purchase additional licenses if are needed.
            |5. Consider enabling the issue email setting to the Fortinet firewall in order to receive a issue email prior to FortiGuard license expiration (notification date range: 1 - 100 days). The current issue email status can be provided with the next command: “get alertemail setting”. More details can be found in the next link:
            |6. For more information about licensing review  the next  online article “Setting up FortiGuard services” :
            |7. Contact Fortinet Technical support at for further assistance.""".stripMargin